SCP Foundation

K-Class Scenario

Among the scenario classifications, K-Class Scenario is defined as the 2nd highest threat Scenario, where a SCP of high danger breeches the facility and/or cannot be contained and is a threat and high priority of the SCP foundation to recontain/neutralize this SCP.

XK-Class Scenario

An XK-Class Scenario is a scenario in which an SCP of world ending properties or worse is in a unpredictable state, and it becomes top priority to the SCP foundation to contain this SCP or neutralize it, if neither of these is optional a SCP like SCP-2000 must be used as a final resort to the scenario.

Class Scenario Definitions

They are listed in order by how destructive/dangerous each scenario is.

Scenario Type Definition
Hostile Greenhouse Scenario
An event where plant life would severely disrupt the planet.
Undefined Scenario
Does not end human life, possibly destroys society, and possibly extinguishes most or all of human consciousness.
Restructuring Scenario
An event where standard Earth species are outperformed by non-standard lifeforms.
Allison-Eckhart Breathability Scenario
The Earth is fully contaminated in gaseous anomalous (or non-anomalous) substances.
Biological Invasion Scenario
Invasion of our planet by extraterrestrial life-forms; An alien invasion.
Dead Greenhouse Scenario
80% of most living organisms, more or less, has been wiped out, but the planet is still in repairable condition, and can still support life.
Collapse-of-Global-Civilization Scenario
Collapse/destruction of global civilization. Normally caused by natural disasters on a massive scale. (Meteor strikes, solar flares, continental shifts, etc.)
End-of-the-World Scenario
Destruction of the world, with little to no possibility of rebuilding and reparation.
End-of-the-World Sccenario
Wide-scale (or total) restructuring of the physical mass of the world; Destruction of the planet.
End-of-the-World Scenario
The end of the world caused by self-replicating substances.
Undefined Scenario
A scenario involving reality shifts.
End-of-the-World Scenario
End of the world via remodeling of subjective reality. Can also be thought of as a restructuring scenario.
Reality Failure
An event in which the universe will continue to exist, just under entirely different laws.
Restructuring Scenario
A reconstruction of reality. May mean a significant change in history, a change in the way physical laws work, a major rewrite of reality, or possibly even all of the above.
Entropic Annihilation Event
An event that causes the entire universe to reverse its flow of entropy, converting the universe into a inverted entropic state, eventually resulting in the greenuction of the entire universe to an infinitely energetic singularity (An inverted BIG BANG).
Vacuum Decay Scenario
A vacuum metastability event, wiping out all life and reality.
Reality Failure Scenario
The destruction of one or possibly more realities. May also be used to refer to the end of all of reality itself.